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Investing in the Health of Your Soil

The use of biological fertilizers is a key component of regenerative agriculture, focusing on building soil health and promoting biodiversity. In addition to improved plant growth and higher yields, biologicals help create healthy soil ecosystems that can support long-term agricultural productivity. Get those living organisms working for you by increasing the life in your soil or by stimulating what’s already there!

Biological Fertilizers

Biodyne Environoc 401

Conventional tilling practices can deplete soil biodiversity overtime.  When applied in-furrow, Environoc 401 introduces beneficial microbes and bugs into the soil, creating an enhanced growing environment that promotes robust root growth and maximizes plant production.

BW Meltdown®

BW Meltdown® is a natural way to enrich your soil by introducing beneficial microbes that break down plant residue left after harvest. Applying it in late fall or early spring helps to create a healthier soil environment, leading to more productive plants in the following growing season, helping you achieve higher yields.

BW-Biocast Max

Biocast Max helps plants absorb essential nutrients by converting those that are naturally present in the air and soil into a form that the plant can easily use earlier in the season. This product gives your crops a huge boost of nutrients early in the season to help them kickstart growth and carry throughout the season.   


Get back to the basics, providing your plants with what they need: carbon and oxygen.  With readily available carbon, plants are able to take in the nutrients that are already available in your soil.  CarbonWorks products are made to be used along with a lessened amount of standard fertilizers.

Interested in learning more about CarbonWorks?

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